Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Is Drug Addiction a Disease of the Brain Research Paper

Is Drug Addiction a Disease of the Brain - Research Paper Example As for drugs like marijuana and heroin, their molecules have a similar structure to neurotransmitters, and thus they activate nerve cells in order to form even harmful synaptic connections as well as send abnormal messages. Cocaine and methamphetamine, on the other hand, would cause the overproduction of neutransmitters like dopamine, which eventually â€Å"shuts off† synaptic communication or the signaling between neurons and alters the brain’s reward system (â€Å"Drug Facts,† 2011). As the addiction continues, it is getting harder and harder to bring the dopamine level to normal in order to produce the same rewarding or satisfying feeling, thus more and more amount of drugs is needed to achieve this. Another effect of drug addiction on the brain is altering glutamate, which is actually associated with the brain’s reward system and cognitive function. Long term abuse, therefore, may impair the glutamate and consequently affect judgment, learning, memory, behavior control, and decision-making activities of the drug addict (â€Å"Drug Facts,† 2011). ... tion is not a brain disease because of two reasons: First, â€Å"the changes in the brain which [those who are on the opposite side of the issue] show us are not abnormal at all,† and second, â€Å"there is no evidence that the behavior of addicts is compulsive [or involuntary† (â€Å"Addiction is NOT,† 2012). For the first reason, those who believe that drug addiction is a disease often point out to brain images of neuroadaptations and a totally different prefrontal cortex that both result from a repetitive intake of drugs. According to authors of Clean Slate, this is not abnormal at all because any human being can alter the synaptic pathways of his brain simply through constant practice, and the authors point out Begley and Jeffrey Schwartz, who both authored The Mind and The Brain. Both authors pointed out in their book that the scanned images of both experienced and inexperienced taxi drivers in London are not the same in terms of the prefrontal cortex, but t his does not necessarily mean that drivers who do not know much of the city would have a mental disease. The point is that â€Å"these brain changes don’t need to be brought on by exposure to chemicals,† and since there is no physiologic malfunction and that there are no pathologically affected parts, then the author of Clean Slate contends that drug addiction is not a disease (â€Å"Addiction is NOT,† 2012). In fact, the aforementioned claim is rather supported by Satel and Lilienfeld (2007), who state, â€Å"In the days between binges, cocaine addicts make many [normal everyday] decisions that have nothing to do with drug-seeking.† However, although it makes perfect logical sense that drug addicts do not act like drug addicts all the time, it is basically the same thing with AIDS patients since these people can

Monday, October 28, 2019

Hero and Mrs. Fisher Essay Example for Free

Hero and Mrs. Fisher Essay Heroism is a role model and someone who helps others with out personal gain or need, and they show support. Tangerine by Edward Bloor contains characters that are heroes and non-heroes. Paul Fisher is a hero while his brother, Erik, is not and Mrs. Fisher also has traits of heroism. Paul Fisher is a hero because he puts others before himself despite personal danger and because he does the right thing without need for personal gain. Paul helps people during the sinkhole incident at lake Windser Middle School. He saves other classmates and teachers from the portable classrooms, ensuring their safety (80). This shows Paul is brave and willing to protect his classmates in a horrible accident. Besides the sinkhole, Paul aids to the Cruz family during the freeze. He brings wood to Luis and chopped ice off trees, doing whatever they could to get a majority of them saved (214, 215). Paul helps the Cruz family without being asked to. He lies to his mom so she would let him stay and help (210, 213). Paul was committed to save the tangerine trees of Tangerine. Since Paul is friendly to people, he always has his friends backs and he understands them. Paul defended fire fighter Wayne when Mr. Fisher strongly complained about his unprofessional appearance (22). Paul figured that Wayne didn’t deserve a complaint when he knew what he was talking about. Paul also gave Joey Costello advice to move schools and become a War Eagle (121). Joey took the advice and moved schools, and he joined their soccer team. Paul didn’t want Joey to be unhappy with his new school hours, so he suggested Tangerine High. Paul looks out for his friends and is very encouraging. Besides Paul Fisher being a hero, his mom, Mrs. Fisher, also shows examples of heroism. Mrs. Fisher is a helpful citizen and cares about everyone’s safety. She hosts a parent gathering to discuss their sons’ football practice times (54- 55). Mrs. Fisher tries changing practice times so no other player will be struck by lightning, like Mike Costello. Additionally, Mrs. Fisher shows her safety concerns to Paul’s school about his eyesight, so he could have extra help (24). She wanted to do what was best for Paul but she wanted him to have to opportunity to play soccer. When Paul moved schools, she realized the best thing would be is not to inform them about him eye conditions, that way he would be able to play soccer. Not only is Mrs. Fisher concerned about safety; she is also supportive to her family and friends. Mrs. Fisher supports Erik by attending his football games (124, 125). She encourages and cheers for Erik while he kicks. She is proud of his hard work and accomplishments. Another way Mrs. Fisher is supportive is when she shows sympathy to the Costello family. Mrs. Fisher attends Mike Costello’s funeral and explains how sorry she was and gives love and supportive gestures to acknowledge her sympathy. While Paul Fisher and Mrs. Fisher both are explained through heroism, Erik Fisher is a non-hero. Erik is very selfish and only cares about him and has success as an individual. Erik is an amazing kicker; he always bragged about his skills and was convinced that he will be a star one-day. All he cares about is football and his future of football (20, 21). Erik thought he was better than everyone else. He was happy when Mike was killed because he knew he would benefit from it (51). Furthermore, Erik is also a non-hero because he is a bully. Erik makes fun of Joey because he tried to take off his brother’s shoes when he was dead. Erik didn’t know the real reason why he did that, he just noticed it and judged him poorly (110). Erik doesn’t care about how anyone feels or how he makes him or her feel; he amuses himself with their emotional pain. Erik also makes fun of Paul about his glasses. Erik called Paul â€Å"Eclipse Boy† and made up stories about how Paul’s eyesight failed (2, 54). Heroism is someone that puts others before themselves and is a role model. Paul and Mrs. Fisher are both heroes while Erik is not. The author wrote this story because he is a middle school teacher and wanted to share a story that exampled students in ways they are heroes. There are more heroes than there are non-heroes. Edward Bloor wrote this book for middle age kids so he tried to focus on the positive sides of people. There are heroes all around you but everyone has non-hero moments, you should learn from your mistakes.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Daily Life of Ancient Greeks :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

The Daily Life of Ancient Greeks Life in Greece in ancient times would remind you of your own life in many ways. There was school, family, athletic competition, and social gatherings. Knowing that participants in their sporting events competed nude or that you rarely knew your husband/wife until the wedding day does however, make you grateful for the society that you live in today. Â   Babies Life for the Greeks in Athens began in their home. Babies were delivered by the women of the family, and only in cases of serious complications was a mid-wife called. Large families were not desired by Athenians since the inheritance was to be divided up equally among sons and daughters requiring dowries. So, unwanted children were not uncommon. Killing the babies was illegal, but a new-born could be exposed to die. These unwanted babies were left outside in a clay pot either to be claimed by a childless woman or rescued and brought up as a slave (Connolly, 32). Slaves were common in ancient times, if a family was reasonably well off they usually had two or three slaves. Slaves would take on the tasks of motherhood, some would even breast feed the babies. The slaves also worked the fields and helped the mother with other household duties, such as making clothes (The Study of Women, online). Â   Education Boys would begin school at age seven. They were also given a paidagogos, a slave that accompanied them everywhere. The paidagogos taught the boy manners, punished him when he did wrong, and even sat through classes with the boy to make sure he did his work. School went from half an hour after daybreak to half an hour before the sun set. Physical education was a big part of a boys education (Connolly, 34). When boys were 18, they no longer went to school; instead they began their 2 year military training. Young girls did not go to school. Middle and upper class girls leaned to read and write from a female tutor at home (Connolly, 35). Girls generally stayed at home until they were married, which was around the age of 15 (Ancient Civilizations, online). They helped their mother in the house and worked in the fields when they were needed (Exploring Ancient, online). Â   Marriage Marriages were arranged. Because girls lived such sheltered lives, they usually had never even met the men their fathers agreed for them to marry. Men were mostly in their twenties when they got married, the girls were usually 15.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

America and the Great War

America and the Great War Following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on jejune 1914 there was a chain reaction that many contribute to the most immediate cause of World War l. However, prior to the start of the 20th century there were many changes going on in and around Europe that can also be considered as root causes to the rise of hostilities between the countries of Europe.This essay will discuss the events that ultimately lead to the beginning of World War l, the events that drew the United States into the War, the events that led to the defeat of the Treaty of Versailles, and hat effect the war had on America's role in the world during the sass and sass. Firstly, the forces of nationalism, Imperialism and millstreams had a great many influence to the rise of hostilities that lead the beginning of World War l. Nationalism was a long-term cause of World War l, as well as many of the other causes, nationalism takes time to create.People are not born with the love of t heir country; instead they must learn to love it and thus nationalism requires a longer period of time to complete (Brown, 2009). Until the rand to late 19th century many European nations†, that Is those peoples sharing a common language and similar culture, were not united in an all-encompassing state. However, following the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand a rise of nationalism In the Pan-Slavish movement and also the German speaking states occurred.Germany felt nearly unstoppable as a world power following the Franco-Prussian War and because of this national pride felt that they would have no problem expanding their territory using imperialism. Specifically, Germany was attempting to control lands In Africa, a place that Britain and France were already established (Brown, 2009). As a result, Britain and France became closer allies in the conflict against Germany. Britain and France quickly found that by keeping Germany out of Africa, the Germans would be unable to build themselves Into a threatening power.Germany on the other hand, had a different idea and wished to build an empire. In order to better combat the French and prevent another Invasion, Germany began to build their military; this millstreams or the belief of a nation or its people to build and maintain a strong military, with the intention to use it whenever it Is felt necessary (Brown, 2009). France, understanding that Germany was building a large military, saw it as a necessity to in turn build a large military to protect themselves against the Germans.The British were threatened by the Germans Increasing Navy also began to build up their forces In order to remain the world's most elite Navy. With so many countries building up their military it's not hard for these countries to find a reason in which they can use their militaries against one another Germany decided against renewing a treaty with Russia, effectively opting for the Austrian alliance; while Germany's western and as tern neighbors, France and Russia, signed an alliance In 1894 united by fear and resentment of Berlin (Sheffield, 2011).Europe was divided into two armed camps: the Entente Powers and the Central Powers, and these countries populations began to see war not merely as Inevitable but even welcome (Sheffield, 2011). Germany's 1 OFF violation to its pledge to suspend unrestricted submarine warfare in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean, and its attempts to entice Mexico into an alliance against the United States were the main reasons that were presented before Congress as a declaration of war (US Department of State, 2013).Following the sinking of an unarmed French boat, the Sussex, in the English Channel in March 1916, President Wilson had threatened to sever diplomatic relations with Germany, unless the German Government refrained from attacking all passenger ships, and allowed the crews of enemy merchant vessels to escape from their ships prior to any attack. On May 4, 1916, the German Government had accepted these terms and conditions in what came to be known as the â€Å"Sussex pledge† (US Department of State, 2013).Ethnicity played a role in the US neutrality because so many immigrants had locked to the United States during the Industrial Revolution that many of these immigrants still felt strong ties to their homelands back in Europe. The United States was afraid that these ties would hinder soldiers on the battlefield or cause an uproar state side if the United States Joined the war. The United States wanted to keep trade open with both sides of the war and thus keep neutral. However, the allied forces want to stop goods from reaching Germany so they began to seize them.German forces wanted to stop goods from reaching Allied forces and began to attack US ships with U-boats. The entrance of the resource-rich Americans dealt a powerful psychological and military blow to the Germans and greatly hastened their capitulation (Schultz, 2013). Contribut ions to the war effort were not confined to the battlefield. The entire American economy was embroiled to win the war; from planting extra vegetables to keeping the furnace turned off, American civilians provided extra food and fuel to the war effort (US History, 2013).Had the United States not entered the war then many of people living in and around Europe would have been even more effect without these supplies. The United States government engaged in a massive propaganda campaign to raise troops and money (US History, 2013). Where dissent was apparent, it was stifled, prompting many to question whether American civil liberties were in Jeopardy. In the end, the war was won, but the peace was lost. The Treaty of Versailles as presented by President Wilson was rejected by the Senate.In setting policy for ending the war, President Wilson, the idealist, sought a â€Å"peace without victory,† while Senator Henry Lodge, the realist, demented Germany's unconditional surrender (US S enate, 2001). President Wilson offended the Senate by refusing to include senators among the negotiators accompanying him to the Paris Peace Conference and by making conference results public before discussing them with committee members (US Senate, 2001). â€Å"In November 1919, Senator Lodge sent to the Senate floor a treaty with 14 reservations, but no amendments.In the face of President Willow's continued unwillingness to negotiate, the Senate on November 19, 1919, for the first time in its history, rejected a peace treaty' (US Senate, 2001). President Wilson believed that the international organization, the League of Nations, would mitigate the failures of the Versailles Treaty while ensuring free trade, reducing reparations against Germany, extending self-determination beyond Europe, and punishing aggressor nations (History Matter, 2013).Following the failed Treaty of Versailles American foreign policy of the sass was created by isolationism in reaction to the idealistic fore ign policy of President son. Tater the united U States and helped the Allies in World War l, the United S suffered great losses with no payments in return. Thus, America isolated itself from he rest of the world and promised that the United States would not get involved in any future European conflicts by signing treaties designed to keep them out of war.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Skin & Tattoos Review

Patterson, M. , & Schroeder, J. (2010). Borderlines: Skin, tattoos and consumer culture theory. Marketing Theory, 10, 253-267. DOI: 10. 1177/1470593110373191 Assignment 1: Patterson & Schroeder Article Review This essay critically reviews an academic article which applies consumer culture theory to identity formation by illustrating the association of skin and body art to femininity and commodification. The paper begins with a brief summary of the key points outlined in the article which is then followed by an analytical evaluation of these points. After which I will examine why I believe they were able to make a compelling argument. I then go on to critique the style of the article and discuss some of the weaknesses I found in the argument presented by the authors. I end with a suggested issue for further research. The authors of this article intend to examine the establishment of identity, both generally and embodied, within the consumer culture theoretical framework. In order to do so they describe three fundamental assertions which have been derived from consumer culture theory (CCT) and employ three metaphors to illustrate how these concepts prove to be problematic. They further develop evidence which challenges the proposed concepts by applying them to skin, and more specifically to the skin of heavily tattooed women. It is their assertion that skin serves as the principal site for individuals to imprint their ideologies and convey their stories, it brings together the natural and the social. The concept of femininity and cultural ideas of beauty also become intertwined in the conjectural work put forth by the authors. In their attempt to show a correlation between skin, identity, and consumption, the idea that heavily tattooed women collect body art in order to distinguish themselves from the masses and challenge existing gender stereotypes forms the foundation from which they argue. According to the article an individual’s production of self is mediated by interaction with others in addition to a calculated use of commodities. However, they claim that interpretation of one’s identity is not always clear or easily discerned and further that access to the resources we use to create our identity is not equal amongst all individuals. The following relationships between skin, femininity and consumption form the structure from which they develop their assumptions: first, the containing function of skin is central to creation of femininity as ideals of the perfect body remain; second, femininity is implicit on skin so much so that transmission becomes an issue of surface projection; and third, well maintained, delicate skin has become an archetype of femininity and a desire to retain this indicator of gender difference leads women to want to work on their skin. The ambiguousness of such an overlooked and yet important organ enables the reader to relate to a vast number of viewpoints. Based on the evidence presented, I find the authors’ argument convincing and can appreciate why skin makes an ideal medium for research on consumer identity. What I took from the article was that beauty and identity are often interdependent and rely on how one interprets and creates it. I arrived at this conclusion by following their logic that skin is connected to our identity in how we adorn and maintain it. The closer we come to upholding social norms regarding femininity, which is often closely tied to ideals of beauty, the more highly we are regarded in society. We use our exterior surface as a canvas in which we create our inner identity, however, identity is not static and we are continually modifying and recreating ourselves. I like the idea that women are silently protesting and disrupting long held patriarchal beliefs of femininity by engaging in body art acquisition. I also agree that by partaking in forms of body modification, such as tattooing, women challenge the traditional ideals of beauty. While the article is written concisely and straightforwardly, I believe the metaphors they use could have been explained further in order to get a clearer understanding of their association to the topic at hand. I found the idea of skin as a container difficult to follow, the arguments presented in this section taken individually were clear, but when related back to identity and commodification it became someone convoluted. One aspect I believe the authors neglected to develop was the notion that individuals can assume simultaneous identities or that they can perform identities, whereby they represent themselves different from their visible characteristics. They touched on this with the discussion of tattooed women being both contained and transgressive in the narrow perception of beauty, along with the view of the mind/body dualism. I found the overall concept explored in this article quite interesting, but thought the execution left something lacking. At times the article almost seems somewhat philosophical in its assessment of the topic in that it relies largely on interpretive research. Identities are seen not as merely represented in discourse, but rather as performed, enacted and embodied through a variety of dialectal and non-linguistic means. After introducing the topic at hand and reviewing the relevant concepts that have been ascertained in regards to the conceptualization of identity within the framework of consumer culture theory, and more specifically, identity as it applies to skin, femininity and body art, the article concludes with a suggested direction for further study. The authors propose that more work on boundaries and understanding of identity and consumption should be done. In addition, they advise rather than looking at the meaning of the body, future examination should analyze what the consequences of consuming the body are.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Capitalism VS Socialism essays

Capitalism VS Socialism essays Capitalism is an economic system where private individuals and business firms carry on the production and exchange of goods and services through an intricate system of prices and markets. Capitalism shows that it is possible to pursue private gain in ways that would benefit not just the interests of the individual but also those of society as a whole. Society's interests are met by maximum production of the things that people want. The grouping of self-interest, private property, and competition among sellers in markets will lead producers as by an invisible hand to an end that they did not intend, namely, the well being of society. In a capitalistic economic system, the basic production facilities land and capital- are privately owned. The economic activity is structured and coordinated through the interaction of buyers and sellers in markets. Owners of land and capital as well as the workers they employ are free to pursue their own self-interests in seeking maximum gain from the use of their resources and labor in production. Consumers are free to spend their revenues in ways that they believe will yield maximum satisfaction. Under capitalism, producers will be forced by competition to use their resources in ways that will best satisfy the wants of consumers. Self-interest and the pursuit of gain lead them to do this. Under this system a minimum of government supervision is required; if competition is present, economic activity will be self-determining. Government will be necessary only to protect society from foreign attack, uphold the rights of private property, and guarantee contracts. Socialism, economic and social doctrine, political movement inspired by this doctrine, and system or order established when this doctrine is organized in a society. The socialist principle demands state ownership and control of the primary means of production and distribution of wealth, to be achieved by reconstruction of...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Nisa essays

Nisa essays In this paper I am going to discuss the book Nisa The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman, by Marjorie Shostak. In doing this I will describe the culture of the !Kung people, a small hunter-gatherer tribe in Africa. Then I will go on with telling about their sociocultural systems that I have read about in this book. To rap things up I will tell my prediction where the !Kung population is headed into the future. I will use explanations from the book to help me describe my prediction. !Kung culture is a very simple culture. The norms in this society are hard to define; norms are shared rules that define how people are supposed to behave under certain circumstances. Take marriage for example In the book Nisa explains how a women can marry more than once in her lifetime, a !Kung girl is actually married several times before she stays with one man. These appeared to me as trial marriages, the women are too young to want the marriage and usually are the ones to end it. Even after long marriage involving children things such as death and divorce/ separation occur and a woman finds a new husband. So as you can see the norms in the !Kung culture are much different than that of our own norms. Even when marriage is involved the idea of having lovers was not shunned. Although some women do not engage in this act, it is a very common thing among the !Kung. The norm here is to have a lover to keep that young playful and loving attraction alive with someone, even after things have began to settle with your husband. Nisa explains, Even my mother had lovers. Id be with her when she met them. But my father, if he had them, I didnt know... She recalls many situations like this, as do most !Kung children. I remember, when I was still small, seeing my mother with one man. He met her, took her, and made love to her. I sat nearby and waited. When she came back carrying firewood, I thought, I am going to tell! The...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Macrophagesâ€Germ-Eating White Blood Cells

Macrophages- Germ-Eating White Blood Cells Macrophages are immune system cells that are vital to the development of non-specific defense mechanisms that provide the first line of defense against pathogens. These large immune cells are present in nearly all tissues and actively remove dead and damaged cells, bacteria, cancerous cells, and cellular debris from the body. The process by which macrophages engulf and digest cells and pathogens is called phagocytosis. Macrophages also aid in cell mediated or adaptive immunity by capturing and presenting information about foreign antigens to immune cells called lymphocytes. This allows the immune system to better protect against future attacks from the same invaders. In addition, macrophages are involved in other valuable functions in the body including hormone production, homeostasis, immune regulation, and wound healing. Macrophage Phagocytosis Phagocytosis allows macrophages to get rid of harmful or unwanted substances in the body. Phagocytosis is a form of endocytosis in which matter is engulfed and destroyed by a cell. This process is initiated when a macrophage is drawn to a foreign substance by the presence of antibodies. Antibodies are proteins produced by lymphocytes that bind to a foreign substance (antigen), tagging it for destruction. Once the antigen is detected, a macrophage sends out projections which surround and engulf the antigen (bacteria, dead cell, etc.) enclosing it within a vesicle. The internalized  vesicle containing the antigen is called a phagosome. Lysosomes within the macrophage fuse with the phagosome forming a phagolysosome. Lysosomes are membranous sacs of hydrolytic enzymes formed by the Golgi complex that are capable of digesting organic material. The enzyme content of the lysosomes is released into the phagolysosome and the foreign substance is quickly degraded. The degraded material is th en ejected from the macrophage. Macrophage Development Macrophages develop from white blood cells called monocytes. Monocytes are the largest type of white blood cell. They have a large, single nucleus that is often kidney-shaped. Monocytes are produced in bone marrow and circulate in the blood anywhere from one to three days. These cells exit blood vessels by passing through blood vessel endothelium to enter into tissues. Once reaching their destination, monocytes develop into macrophages or into other immune cells called dendritic cells. Dendritic cells aid in the development of antigen immunity. Macrophages that differentiate from monocytes are specific to the tissue or organ in which they reside. When the need for more macroghages arises in a particular tissue, the residing macrophages produce proteins called cytokines that cause responding monocytes to develop into the type of macrophage needed. For example, macrophages fighting infection produce cytokines that promote the development of macrophages that specialize in fighting pathogens. Macrophages that specialize in healing wounds and repairing tissue develop from cytokines produced in response to tissue injury. Macrophage Function and Location Macrophages are found in almost every tissue in the body and perform a number of functions outside of immunity. Macrophages aid in the production of sex hormones in male and female gonads. Macrophages assist in the development of blood vessel networks in the ovary, which is vital for the production of the hormone progesterone. Progesterone plays a critical part in the implantation of the embryo in the uterus. In addition, macrophages present in the eye help to develop blood vessel networks necessary for proper vision. Examples of macrophages that reside in other locations of the body include: Central Nervous System- Microglia are glial cells found in nervous tissue. These extremely small cells patrol the brain and spinal cord removing cellular waste and protecting against microorganisms.Adipose Tissue- Macrophages in adipose tissue protect against microbes and also help adipose cells to maintain the bodys sensitivity to insulin.Integumentary System- Langerhans cells are macrophages in the skin that serve an immune function and aid in the development of skin cells.Kidneys- Macrophages in the kidneys help to filter microbes from blood and aid in the formation of ducts.Spleen- Macrophages in the red pulp of the spleen help to filter damaged red blood cells and microbes from blood.Lymphatic System- Macrophages stored in the central area (medulla) of lymph nodes filter lymph of microbes.Reproductive System- Macrophages in gonads aid in sex cell development, embryo development, and the production of steroid hormones.Digestive System- Macrophages in the intestines monitor the en vironment protecting against microbes. Lungs- Macrophages present in the lungs, known as alveolar macrophages, remove microbes, dust, and other particles from respiratory surfaces.Bone- Macrophages in bone may develop into bone cells called osteoclasts. Osteoclasts help to break down bone and to reabsorb and assimilate bone components. Immature cells from which macrophages are formed reside in non-vascular sections of the bone marrow. Macrophages and Disease Although a primary function of macrophages is to protect against bacteria and viruses, sometimes these microbes can evade the immune system and infect immune cells. Adenoviruses, HIV, and the bacteria that cause tuberculosis are examples of microbes that cause disease by infecting macrophages. In addition to these types of diseases, macrophages have been linked to the development of diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Macrophages in the heart contribute to heart disease by aiding in the development of atherosclerosis. In atherosclerosis, artery walls become thick due to chronic inflammation induced by white blood cells. Macrophages in fat tissue can cause inflammation which induces adipose cells to become resistant to insulin. This can lead to the development of diabetes. Chronic inflammation caused by macrophages can also contribute to the development and growth of cancer cells. Sources: White Blood Cells. The Histology Guide. Accessed 09/18/2014 ( Biology of Macrophages - An Online Review. Macrophage Biology Review. Published 05/2012 (

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Late 20th century United States history Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Late 20th century United States history - Essay Example Though not very extensive, the war indeed revealed its hidden lust for expansionism in the Puerto Rico and Cuban regions of the Caribbean islands. The then so called American interest in the independence of Cuba has been reflected numerous times throughout its international relations until very recently it happened in Afghan and Iraq. The only difference was that the new initiative is fondly called ‘war against terror’. To illustrate, the war on Afghanistan ended in killing thousands of innocents including women and children. The main aim behind the Afghan war was to trace Osama bin Laden and other high-ranking Al-Qaeda members, and ultimately uprooting the Al-Qaeda form Afghanistan. But as the world witnessed, the Americans failed in fulfilling either of them. Obviously, it is the political pressure that took the lead in planning America’s all such operations. For instance, the Democratic Party forced the president William McKinley and his government to execute t he war against Spain. Still moving forward and coming to the late 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, we notice that the arrogance in the military operations of United States has grown to its peak stage.

Corrections- Strategic Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Corrections- Strategic Plan - Essay Example The Tasmanian Correction prison institution’s mission is to make a valid contribution towards a safer and better Tasmania. This it aims achieving through the ensuring of a secure and safe containment of inmates and the provision of opportunities to the inmates for rehabilitation community engagement as well as personal development (Taylor, 2009). The Tasmanian Correction Prison’s values are direct. They require that the institution continue committing itself to the best principled leadership as well as embracing sets of core values that are directed at guiding the stakeholders’ behavior. This the institution aims to achieve through: Collaboration: to enhance a communal sense of belonging, everyone at Tasmanian is expected to support a mutual understanding of ideas, an open exploration of all our differences, as well as works together constructively and cooperatively with all the stakeholders alike. Technology: this is aimed at develop and ensuring the best information technology strategy, as well as implement systems that are capable of managing the current and the anticipated growth needs (Richards & Lyneham, 2010). Crime prevention as well as safety: this is aimed at the development of a comprehensive crime prevention program, which aid in the establishment of evidence based. This will then aid in the determination of the impact of offender and related programs within the institutions as well as the community, in order to reduce victimization and criminality (Richards & Lyneham, 2010). Transparency, outreach and partnerships: the institution is open to entering partnerships, as well as the development of meaningful programs alongside the processes of promoting a shared responsibility for the safety of the community (Richards & Lyneham, 2010). Tasmanian institution is known to be a secure facility, in which minors are dedicated as delinquents. The institution’s aim is prepare convicted people for a successful community

Friday, October 18, 2019

Rhetoricalanalysis of the new jim crow Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Rhetoricalanalysis of the new jim crow - Essay Example The author has used rhetorical tools to emphasize how overt racial prejudices have become criminal offences but they are still covertly practiced within the system. It ultimately makes it difficult for people with color to become part of mainstream society and forces them to live like a second class citizen in their own country. The article becomes hugely pertinent because it underpins the issues that permanently stereotyped people of color into criminals that socially and legally discourages them to live with dignity. The text is also important because despite constitutional rights, the people of color are still vulnerable to the Jim Crow rules that deny them legitimate rights of a citizen. Stereotyping colored people has resulted in mass incarceration that helps to impose social control on them. The author has therefore, used rhetorical tools like ethos, pathos and logos to not only inform public about the subtle Jim Crow rules within the judicial system but also about the repercussion on the society that adds to the woes of the vulnerable. Throughout the article, author has been consistently using rhetorical approach to communicate important message or information to the target group or the public. The ethos applied in the article gives credibility to the author and convinces the reader about the authenticity of the text. It informs that the author holds a job of high repute. She is ‘director of the Racial Justice Project for the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California’. Using the ethical paradigm of introducing herself as an esteemed public figure, the author has established her credibility. She also succinctly apprises the audience about her experience in working on ‘issues of racial profiling, police brutality, and drug-law enforcement in poor communities of color’ This is important information as it gives inkling about her experience and assures the readers that whatever she is talking

Does historical and cultural heritage hamper or stimulate foreign real Essay

Does historical and cultural heritage hamper or stimulate foreign real estate investment in historical cities (St Petersburg) - Essay Example op reining horse and across the bridge one can also see the impearl Mariinsky palace made remarkably visible by the gallant anchor and grappling hook themed flag of St Petersburg flying high. The ever spring green Alexander garden which extends for a few miles with the broad river Neva flowing past. These and many other structures and features that characterize the St Petersburg skyline have made it to be one of the top historical tourism cities in Europe (Trachtenberg and Hyman, 1986). There have been numerous tussles between real estate developers and preservationists in this town. This is because a huge part of urban Russia is occupied by concrete apartments designed in the postmodern period with the intention of housing as many tenants as possible to handle the ever-expanding population. In the backdrop of all this, St Petersburg emerges as a jewel set idyllically by the river Neva and sharply contrasting with the nation’s postmodern infrastructure. In the course of them S oviet period it was been relegated to a run-down and neglected town, but it later reclaimed its glory and with this resurrection have come skyrocketing property values. This has resulted to questions of whether the city can survive with its historical significance intact in view of its incredible real estate potential. While UNESCO protects most of the structures for their historical relevance, there have been disputes on whether the real estate in St Petersburg is more beneficial acting as cultural edifice or being developed for the sake of economic growth. The opinion of the Russian government on this matter is not difficult to guess; in 2013, it prepared a draft document for UNESCO that appeared to be the start of a process to remove numerous protected historical sites from the organizations’ protected list of properties. According to Russians opposed to the move, it is a question of reserving the cultural integrity of the city and profiting from the high property values that would

Thursday, October 17, 2019

English Literature lesson 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

English Literature lesson 4 - Essay Example It is difficult to maintain a reasonable attitude when only one half of the argument is presented with only an appeal to hold yourself blameless as a newborn baby. This is the crux of my dispute with you regarding our relationship and estrangement. I continue to try to communicate with you as openly as I can, accepting my faults as a father and acknowledging where perhaps I may have had negative affects on you, but you continue to accept no blame or fault in yourself – not in truth. You mouth all the correct platitudes, but you continue to blame me for your character. You say I am not guilty of causing your distress and so you are correct in that I had no control over the way in which you reacted to my personality. This personality is the result of the choices I have made, the thoughts I have entertained, the knowledge I have gained and the beliefs I have accepted. As my child, I had no reason to expect your personality to be so much different from my own. You are my child and raised by my hand from your birth so you should respond in much the same way to the world as I respond myself. But you refused to do this. You were a sickly and crying baby and you seemed to cringe at the slightest kindness. Throughout your childhood I attempted to find ways of interacting with you that would not interfere with your development. I took you places with me and showed off your skills to my constituents. To boast about your skills in front of you would have been to unduly inflate your sense of yourself and make you an impossibly spoiled child. Just the fact tha t I took you should have demonstrated to you the pride I had in you as my son. I have acknowledged previously that I do have a short temper and tend to say things I do not mean when I’m angry. This was the example of my father and, as you learned, of other shopkeepers and

My Leadership Action Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

My Leadership Action Plan - Essay Example Do you love the work you do? Are you driven by your purpose? Is there a connection to your top priorities and your leadership approaches? Do you enjoy your time in helping others be successful? What is your legacy to the world? My main purpose as a Leader: (Bungay, 2011). My leadership purpose is also to fill particular needs. My areas to strengthen and grow:I need to stop needing to be loved or liked by my followers (Bungay, 2011). I also need to improve in my stagnancy and always remain focused on my goals. As a leader, I need to avoid excessive connectivity with my followers especially when it comes to mobile devices and other modes of communication (Bradt, Check, & Pedraza, 2011). I also need to try as much as I can to trust my employees with the responsibilities that I give them. I need to learn ways through which I can overcome my personal constraints. I also need to learn how to accomplish my goals after coming up with visions. I need to develop specific conflict resolution sk ills (Bungay, 2011).

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

English Literature lesson 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

English Literature lesson 4 - Essay Example It is difficult to maintain a reasonable attitude when only one half of the argument is presented with only an appeal to hold yourself blameless as a newborn baby. This is the crux of my dispute with you regarding our relationship and estrangement. I continue to try to communicate with you as openly as I can, accepting my faults as a father and acknowledging where perhaps I may have had negative affects on you, but you continue to accept no blame or fault in yourself – not in truth. You mouth all the correct platitudes, but you continue to blame me for your character. You say I am not guilty of causing your distress and so you are correct in that I had no control over the way in which you reacted to my personality. This personality is the result of the choices I have made, the thoughts I have entertained, the knowledge I have gained and the beliefs I have accepted. As my child, I had no reason to expect your personality to be so much different from my own. You are my child and raised by my hand from your birth so you should respond in much the same way to the world as I respond myself. But you refused to do this. You were a sickly and crying baby and you seemed to cringe at the slightest kindness. Throughout your childhood I attempted to find ways of interacting with you that would not interfere with your development. I took you places with me and showed off your skills to my constituents. To boast about your skills in front of you would have been to unduly inflate your sense of yourself and make you an impossibly spoiled child. Just the fact tha t I took you should have demonstrated to you the pride I had in you as my son. I have acknowledged previously that I do have a short temper and tend to say things I do not mean when I’m angry. This was the example of my father and, as you learned, of other shopkeepers and

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Benefits and risks of migrating physical servers into a virtual Essay

Benefits and risks of migrating physical servers into a virtual environment - Essay Example (VMware) The main advantages of server virtualization Server Virtualization technology provides a number of advantages that can be very useful to an IT department and to an organization as a whole. Following, we provide a list of representative IT issues that can take advantage of the benefits of Server Virtualization. Virtual machines can be utilized for consolidating the workload of multiple under-utilized servers into a smaller number of server machines, possibly to only one machine. The associated benefits of this are the economy in hardware infrastructure, environmental cost, in administration and maintenance costs. The need for executing old legacy applications that used to work in server machines with operating systems that have become outdated is absolutely fulfilled by the use of virtual servers. An old application might not be able to execute in a new environment that is running a new operating system. Even if it is possible to run in that server environment, it might under -utilize the server machine, in a way that the consolidation of this server together with others into a virtual server - as already mentioned in the previous paragraph- does make sense. This might not be feasible without the use of virtualization as this kind of applications usually have not been developed in a way that they can co-exist with others in an execution environment. Virtual severs can be used for the creation of operating systems or execution environments with limitations to the usage of physical resources, provided that there exist the suitable routers with guaranteed resource access. Virtual servers can be used for the execution of multiple operating systems simultaneously: different versions or even absolutely different operating systems. Virtual servers... It is evident from the study that Server Virtualization is a framework, methodology and technique that achieves the segmentation of the computer machine’s physical resources into multiple execution environments (which are called virtual private servers), by applying one or more technologies. It is the method of executing multiple independent virtual operating systems in a physical computer machine. It is a way of â€Å"disguising† the physical computer resources, including their number and the identity of the isolated physical servers, processors and operations systems, hiding them from the end users of the â€Å"virtual† server. Server Virtualization technology provides a number of advantages that can be very useful to an IT department and to an organization as a whole. Following, we provide a list of representative IT issues that can take advantage of the benefits of Server Virtualization. Virtual machines can be utilized for consolidating the workload of multi ple under-utilized servers into a smaller number of server machines, possibly to only one machine. The associated benefits of this are the economy in hardware infrastructure, environmental cost, in administration and maintenance costs. The migration of the physical servers of an organization to a virtual environment has a lot of benefits. However, server virtualization also generates a number of risks that the organizations have to take seriously into account. Those risks are analyzed in the paragraphs that follow.

Monday, October 14, 2019

General Biology Ii Essay Example for Free

General Biology Ii Essay I’m giving you a lecture note template rather than the ppt slides because the template takes less paper to print, includes tables that synthesize information from multiple slides, and includes blanks for you to fill in during in-class activities. IV. Practice Exam Questions These are questions similar to ones I will likely ask on the exam. Some of the questions are from past exams. V. Homework Assignment – This assignment covers the latter half of ecology and the first chapter of this unit. I. Learning Goals Overarching Content Goals: Students should be able to trace matter and energy across scales (cellular to organismal to ecosystem) and to use the laws of conservation of matter and energy in their reasoning. * trace molecules as they enter an organism as food or the building blocks of food (i. e. CO2 in plants) and follow those molecules as atoms are rearranged into the molecules used and stored in the body, and as they exit an organism and enter other organisms or the environment. * trace energy as it enters an organism as food or light (photoautotrophs) and should be able to follow the energy as it is converted to different forms (e. . chemical potential energy, heat) and trace energy as it exits an organism and enters another organism or the environment. * Explain body systems as mechanisms for transporting, transforming and conserving matter and energy (Ex. Discuss why temperature regulation is so important in plants and animals, and the costs and benefits of ectothermy and endothermy. )

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay --

Final Examination (2) Discuss the three approaches to property valuation. What is the process of each? When might it be better to use one approach over the other? The three approaches to property valuation are: comparable sales approach (market data approach); income approach; and cost summation approach. Comparable sales approach is determined by using recent sales of similar properties to the one being assessed. This estimates true property value by comparing the property that is in question to others that have been recently sold and then making the adjustments as needed. The idea is that you need to find market areas that have relative or same economic status. Once this process is done then you can group the â€Å"parcels† in different categories, i.e. size, year it was built, the size of the lot, etc. The book says that the property that is not sold is compared to similar property that a market value can be observed and then infers a value. (LJJ, 155) It is common in jurisdictions to assess parcels as a percentage or fraction of the full market value. In theory it does not make a difference if the full value or fractioned value is assessed, the outcome should be the same. When using fractional assessment you need to use a higher tax rate than using market value assessment. This seems to make taxpayers more comfortable but can lead to problems if different fractions are used in the same jurisdiction. Another problem is that this approach requires a large number of sales and can be time consuming if done annually or for the first time. This approach is great for residential properties. The income approach converts the future returns from ownership of a â€Å"parcel† into their present value equivalent. This approach can be done by c... ...edit of the issuing government. This non-guaranteed bond is backed by a certain business-like government activity and not a larger government entity that has taxing powers. Some revenue bonds can have lower interest rates than obligation bonds. If for example a water district with a excellent history of borrowing may have a lower interest rate than a general obligation bond with a declining property tax and low personal income. (LJJ, 492) Unlike obligation bonds these types of bonds generally do not need or require a popular vote and are repaid by the users f the service. This means that no tax dollars are directly used which is considered a good thing. The more costly of the two bonds are revenue bonds because they generally have higher interest rates. If there was a default on the general obligation bonds then taxes would have to be raised which is less popular.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Why I admire Benjamin Franklin Essay -- Leaders American History

Benjamin Franklin completed many accomplishments from childhood to adulthood. When he was just 22 he established his first printing business with a partner, Hugh Meredith. Benjamin soon bought out Hugh Meredith's share. In 1732, when Franklin was only 26 he published the first edition of 'Poor Richards Almanack,' the book shows evidence that it was successful for 25 years. 'Poor Richards Almanack' allowed Franklin to retire from business a rich man in 1748. In 1741 Benjamin Franklin invented the Franklin Stove. The stove was handy for both, heating a room or cooking. In 1752 Benjamin Franklin conducted his famous electricity experiment with a kite. In 1757 Franklin returned to England as a Colonial agent for Pennsylvania. Next, in the year of 171 Benjamin began to write his own autobiography. In 1775 as a member of the Continental Congress, Franklin advocated separation from England. In 1776 Franklin helped draft the Declaration of Independence, in the fall he goes to France to plead the American cause. In 1778, Benjamin arranged the American Alliance with France, which soon led... Why I admire Benjamin Franklin Essay -- Leaders American History Benjamin Franklin completed many accomplishments from childhood to adulthood. When he was just 22 he established his first printing business with a partner, Hugh Meredith. Benjamin soon bought out Hugh Meredith's share. In 1732, when Franklin was only 26 he published the first edition of 'Poor Richards Almanack,' the book shows evidence that it was successful for 25 years. 'Poor Richards Almanack' allowed Franklin to retire from business a rich man in 1748. In 1741 Benjamin Franklin invented the Franklin Stove. The stove was handy for both, heating a room or cooking. In 1752 Benjamin Franklin conducted his famous electricity experiment with a kite. In 1757 Franklin returned to England as a Colonial agent for Pennsylvania. Next, in the year of 171 Benjamin began to write his own autobiography. In 1775 as a member of the Continental Congress, Franklin advocated separation from England. In 1776 Franklin helped draft the Declaration of Independence, in the fall he goes to France to plead the American cause. In 1778, Benjamin arranged the American Alliance with France, which soon led...

Friday, October 11, 2019

Ethics †End of Life Choice Essay

Being a member of the hospital Ethics Committee, it is my responsibility to make policy recommendations on end-of-life issues. Due to my intellect and reputation as a clear thinker, my ideas on this matter carry a lot of weight with the other members of the committee. Within this paper I will make a strong and convincing case for my position and recommendations on this topic. This paper will address the following question: What, if anything, should be done to help people who are dying? First I must start off with the obvious question: Is the patient an adult of 18 years or older who is terminally ill and of clear and sound mind to authorize assisted death intervention? If the answer is yes, then we should follow the wishes of the patient. Ultimately, it is their body; their life and they should have the right to choose. That being said, I do believe that guidelines should be established and followed in order to assure that the welfare of the patient is the only priority. Such guidelines should be made that reflect the three states that currently have laws in place for assisted death, which are, Oregon, Washington, and Montana. The law should include but not limited to, a capable adult who has been diagnosed, by a physician, with a terminal illness that will kill the patient within six months may request in writing, from his or her physician, a prescription for a lethal dose of medication for the purpose of ending the patient’s life. Exercise of the option under this law is voluntary and the patient must initiate the request. Any physician, pharmacist or healthcare provider who has moral objections may refuse to participate. The request must be confirmed by two witnesses, at least one of whom is not related to the patient, is not entitled to any portion of the patient’s estate, is not the patient’s physician, and is not employed by a health care facility caring for the patient. After the request is made, another physician must examine the patient’s medical records and confirm the diagnosis. The patient must be determined to be free of a mental condition impairing judgment. If the request is authorized, the patient must wait at least thirty days and make a second oral request before the prescription may be written. The patient has a right to rescind the request at any time. Should either physician have concerns about the patient’s ability to make an informed decision, or feel the patient’s request may be motivated by depression or coercion, the patient must be referred for a psychological evaluation. The law protects doctors from liability for providing a lethal prescription for a terminally ill, competent adult in compliance with the statute’s restrictions. Participation by physicians, pharmacists, and health care providers is voluntary. The law should also specify a patient’s decision to end his or her life shall not â€Å"have an effect upon a life, health, or accident insurance or annuity policy. † These physician assisted suicide guidelines are within the â€Å"Death with Dignity Act. † The Death with Dignity Act is the philosophical concept that a terminally ill patient should be allowed to die naturally and comfortably, rather than experience a comatose, vegetative life prolonged by mechanical support systems. Currently there are two ways of assisted suicide, one is when the patient is given a prescription medication of a fatal dose that will cause them the loose consciousness and die shortly after. The other, which is not legal in the United States, is known as â€Å"Active Euthanasia† which is a type of euthanasia in which a person who is undergoing intense suffering, and who has no practical hope of recovery is induced to death. It is also known as mercy killing. Generally, a physician performs active euthanasia and carries out the final-death causing act. Active euthanasia is performed entirely voluntarily, without any reservation, external persuasion, or duress, and after prolonged and thorough deliberation. A patient undertaking active euthanasia gives full consent to the medical procedure and chooses direct injection, to be administered by a competent medical professional, in order to end with certainty any intolerable and hopelessly incurable suffering. My second question: Is the patient an adult of 18 years or older who is suffering? In rare cases some patients who are very ill do not respond to pain medications or may be suffering in other ways that make comfort impossible. In these circumstances there is a last resort therapy that can be used: terminal sedation. With terminal sedation, a patient will be given medications that induce sleep or unconsciousness until such time as death occurs as a result of the underlying illness or disease. The intention with terminal sedation must be to relieve suffering only, not to cause death. These measures are often accompanied by the withholding of artificial life supports like intravenous feeding and artificial respiration. * * Also, the physician may use medications that cause a â€Å"double affect. † This has been defined in medical journals as: â€Å"the administration of opioids or sedative drugs with the expressed purpose of relieving pain and suffering in a dying patient. The unintended consequence may be that these medications might cause either respiratory depression or in extreme sedation, might cause to hasten a patient’s death.† What does this mean? In the simplest terms it means that the medication required to abate suffering cannot be given without the probable result of hastening death. While this may sound vague and quasi-discomforting, it is a legal, medically accepted practice, as long as the intention is only to relieve suffering and not cause death. The death is attributed to the disease or complications of the disease, combined in some circumstances with the withdrawal of life-sustaining treatments such as intravenous liquids, nutrition, and artificial respiration. While the patient need not be unconscious during this process, unconsciousness is often the result. * * The last question I ask is: in cases when a minor, a person under the age of 18, is either terminally ill or suffering, who has the right to make the final decisions, the parents/legal guardians, the state, or the patient? I believe that all three need to have a united decision. If one or more of the three votes differ, then neither intervention stated above may be used. These policy recommendations I have stated within this paper regarding end-of-life issues have been explained thoroughly and in detail. I have successfully made a strong and convincing case for my position and recommendations on this topic. I hope that the members of this Ethics Committee agree with my findings and support my recommendations and that my reputation as a clear and trustworthy thinking member is evident.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Developing Teams in Business Assignment Essay

What is a Team? A team is individuals whom are moulded into a group who work together to achieve an objective or task. Benefits of a team Being in a team is very beneficial as every individual has their own opinions and views , a whole team can manage to gather information and materials much easier than an individual , also within a team there is more creativity which is a benefit as there isn’t only one brain but more than one. Furthermore being in a team enables individuals to gain skills such as communication skills, listening skills and being able to be open willingly and share opinions. Team Recruitment Recruiting the right team members is the key to the success of your team. When the leaders of any group recruit new members, there are a number of skills, qualities needed as well as a process that each member has to go through in order for them to be an successful addition to the team. This process is called job analysis from where a person specification is drawn up and following all the qualifications and qualities that a new team member would be expected to have. There are different types of teams which consist of: Formal Informal Different size teams Temporary Permanent What is a formal team? A formal team is a team where individuals are put together for a specific  reason, each individual within the team is given a specific role. Formal teams are mostly permanent teams, for example within the supermarket Tesco they would have different formal teams likes, customer services team, marketing team, human resources these teams also have sub teams such as groceries and the butchery. All these teams work effectively to reach their objective What is an informal team? An informal team is a team which is less structured compared to a formal team, theses times are about the individuals within the team, the team its self has minimal rules and expectations compared to a formal team. This type of team would hold social events , have irregular meeting maybe at break times the team does not have a specific leader all team members are equal and take on the same role therefore there is no co-ordination. What is a different size team? A different size team is basically what the name of the team is, it is a team that has different sizes of team members. The size of team varies on the task that needs to be completed. Temporary teams A temporary team is a team that is set up for a short period of team, the team is not long lasting, the team would come together for their objective and as soon as their objective is completed they would split up. Permanent teams A permanent team is a team that works together continuously, the team is long term and work is reoccurring. What type of teams would Tesco use? As Tesco is a large company they would use all the above types of teams such as: Formal team: E.g.: The customer service team at Tesco represent  customers this team may consist of over 5 member it also may most likely be a mixed gender team. The team members would have all the same skills such as communication skills, attentiveness, positivity, the ability to read customers and a calming presence. Together the team should form a well-rounded team as individual has the skills for the position they are given. Informal team: E.g. A team of trainees at Tesco may hold informal sessions to track their progress within the company and their development within the company these meetings may not be compulsory and may not be happen all the time all the members in the team would be on the same level so in this case they would all be trainees within the company. Within the team they may talk to each other about their progress and what they think they could do better, but it wouldn’t be a case where the team would have a manager sit them down and speak to them. Different size team: E.g. Tesco could have a team of HR that could consist of 3 members but then they could also have a team of customer service employees that team could consist of 6 members. Initially in a team 5 is the magic number even though 5 is an odd number it is a good size for a team as the team is also small enough to involve all members in addition to that if a decision needs to be made having an odd team helps. Temporary teams: E.g. Within Tesco 8 different employees may be put together for a project for example to market a new product coming out within the company , therefore the members would all work together to put I’m ideas to market the product , after the product is published the team will disperse. Permanent teams: E.g. The administration team for Tesco would be a permanent team as that team helps the business function, this team would classify as a permanent team as it is a team that the business needs in order for it to function well. What is a leadership? A leader is a person who leads a group of people, an organisation or a team, being a. Leader doesn’t necessarily mean you do this but also being able to be a leader is a trait of leadership. A leader is being able to think on behalf of your group, being able to fix a crisis if one rises without hesitation, a leader is someone inspirational, confident, and assertive. Being a leader is not taught. Whereas being a mange can be taught. A leader  knows it’s members strengths and weaknesses for example a manager at Tesco could know that one of his/she’s employee is not as confident on tills but is good speaking to customers the leader would know to not put that employee on the sales team but with customer services where the employee feels comfortable. Leadership styles 1.Autocratic leaders : These leaders make decisions without consulting their team members, even if their input would be useful. Although these leaders do not consult their members this type of leadership can also be advantage for example when a decision needs to be made quickly/instantly the leader can make the decision without the input of members. On the other hand this role can also be demoralizing 2.Democratic leaders: These leaders are the ones who make the final decisions, but they would consult their team members and include their opinions in the decision-making process. They encourage creativity, and people are often highly engaged in projects and decisions. As a result, team members tend to have high job satisfaction and high productivity. This is not always an effective style to use, though, when you need to make a quick decision. 3.Participative leadership: This is a way leadership in which it involves subordinates in the goal setting with the problem solving team building. As well as retail the final decision making authority 4.Laissez-faire: These types of leaders give their team members a lot of input in how they do their task and how they set their deadlines. These type of leaders do not get involved but do support their team and offer advice if the team needs it. This type of leadership can damage a team as they do not have a lot of guidance as some members may lack time management, knowledge, skills or self motivation. Leadership skills and attributes What skills and attributes are needed to be a good / effective leader? A good leader must have the skills applicable to lead a team, these characteristics encourage members to follow the team leader. Within Tesco  the leader of sales has to have the right attributes and skills to control their team if they didn’t the team would not functional properly these skills consists of: Communication Effective team leaders communicate clearly. Quality verbal and written communication skills allow leaders to present expectations to team members in a way workers can understand. Effective communication skills also allow team leaders to listen to the input of others. Organization Effective team leaders possess exceptional organizational skills. Organizational skills help team leaders plan objectives and strategies, which allow team members to perform optimally. Organized team leaders put systems in place that maintain order and guide team members toward meeting company goals and objectives. Confidence An effective team leader is confident in his abilities, as well as confident in the abilities of his team members. A confident leader is secure in the decisions he makes that affect his team. A self-confident team leader also reassures team members of his authority within the organization. Respectful A quality team leader is respectful of his team members. A respectful leader empowers employees by encouraging them to offer ideas about decisions that affect them. This lets team members know that the leader respects their input and opinions. Fair A quality team leader treats team members fairly. He is consistent with rewards and recognition, as well as disciplinary action. A fair leader ensures all employees receive the same treatment. Integrity An effective team leader is honest and open with his team members. Leaders who possess integrity gain the trust of team members because he does what he says he will do and treats others the same way he wants to be treated. Influential Influential leaders help inspire the commitment of team members to meet  company goals and objectives. Influential leaders also help manage change in the workplace by gaining the confidence of workers through effective decision making and communication. Delegation Effective team leaders know how to share leadership through delegation. Delegating certain tasks to trustworthy team members allows the leader to focus on improving workplace functions and production. Facilitator Effective team leaders are powerful facilitators. As a facilitator, team leaders help workers understand their goals. They also help organize an action plan to ensure team members meet their goals and objectives more efficiently. Negotiation Team leaders utilize negotiation skills to achieve results and reach an understanding in the event of a workplace conflict. Team leaders who negotiate effectively streamline the decision-making process, as well as solve problems for the best interest of everyone involved. (

Hemodialysis In Esrd Diabetics Health And Social Care Essay

Chronic kidney disease ( CKD ) is defined as the irreversible loss of kidney map and can be categorized as symptomless kidney harm with mild nephritic disfunction or end-stage nephritic disease ( ESRD ) . ESRD finally consequences in decease without nephritic replacing therapy, which can be either nephritic organ transplant or dialysis. Nephritic replacing therapy as a intervention protocol identifies that, at end-stage nephritic disease, the optimum intervention is kidney organ transplant, as dialysis can non retroflex the biosynthetic and metabolic activities of the normal kidney ( Haller, Gutjahr, Kramar, Harnoncourt, & A ; Oberbauer, 2011 ) . End-stage nephritic diseases and its precursor CKD are globally emerging as a important public wellness job, with increasing morbidity and mortality every bit good as economic deductions for health care, ( Szucsa, Sandoza, & A ; Keuschb, 2004 ) . The World Health Organization 2002 estimation indicated that globally CKD contributes to over 850 000 deceases and over 15 million disability-adjusted life old ages, with epidemic rise of ESRD in multiple parts in the universe. The study notes that by 2010 more than 2 million people will necessitate care dialysis worldwide, ( WHO, 2003 ) . In St. Lucia, chronic nephritic inadequacy as a consequence of diabetes, high blood pressure, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, and reaping hook cell disease are the chief grounds for get downing dialysis intervention in patients with kidney map failure. This is similar to the findings of PeroviA†¡ and JankoviA†¡ ( 2009 ) . Zelmer ( 2007 ) postulates that non merely is ESRD a chronic disease with important morbidity impact, but it besides involves high-cost intervention options. These options are frequently limited in developing states such as St. Lucia, where available options include haemodialysis or the aggressive direction of hazard factors to detain patterned advance of ESRD. Global estimations indicate that about 30 % of patients with ESRD are as a effect of diabetic nephropathy [ commendation ] . In St. Lucia, the figure is significantly higher, stand foring 41 % of the ESRD patients who have received haemodialysis for the period 2002-2009. At the terminal of that 8 twelvemonth period ( 2002-2009 ) mortality rate among that population was every bit high as 53 % with mean age at decease being 57 old ages. These statistical figures indicate that ESRD among diabetics is a serious wellness concern with inauspicious clinical results that straight impact quality of life while bring forthing significant medical costs. The economic force per unit areas of ESRD intervention on the corporate wellness system are good documented. Haller et Al. ( 2011 ) identifies it as resource intensifier, necessitating significant sums of finite health care financess to handle a little per centum of the population. In 2005 entirely, attention for ESRD patients in Canada represented 1.2 % of all healthcare outgo, despite an incidence of 0.092 % , ( Zelmer, 2007 ) . Less than 0.06 % of St. Lucians have ESRD, yet the disease generated direct health care cost is important compared to other diseases. In 2008, the direct health care cost of ESRD was $ 2.2 million EC, about 5 % of the health care outgo, the economic weight of which was borne chiefly by the authorities. These findings indicate that the economic sciences of ESRD therapies are a little but instead expensive section within the overall health care proviso in any state. Yet cost-effectiveness surveies of the modes of intervention are few ( Haller, 2011 ) . Cost-effectiveness is the fastest turning field in wellness research and it embodies a signifier of full economic rating that looks at cost and effect of wellness programmes or intervention ( Muennig, 2008 ) . Using the definition by Palmer ( 2005 ) that states â€Å" cost-effectiveness surveies compare costs with clinical results measured in natural units, like life anticipation or old ages of diseases avoided † , Glassock ( 2010 ) noted that the entirety of costs may non needfully be captured. However, it is a utile tool with pertinence for the enconomic anlaysis of issues within the wellness system. Cost-effectiveness analysis ( CEA ) of intercession programmes as a valuable tool employed by decision-makers can be used to measure every bit Wellss as perchance better how the wellness system operates. Its application allows policy shapers to place which intercessions provide the highest â€Å" value for money † and help in assisting to choose intercessions and programmes that maximize wellness for the available resources. Health economic experts are able to buy the most wellness under a fixed budget, prioritising services within the wellness sector. CEA hence requires information on the extent to which current and possible intercessions improve population wellness, i.e. , effectivity and the resources required to implement the intercessions, i.e. , costs, ( Muennig, 2008 ) . The inclusion of cost agencies that the design of the survey will integrate cost-unit analysis as a tool to analyze the economic impact of the proviso of the service of dialysis for terminal phase nephritic patients with diabetes and cost effectivity to find the quality adjusted life twelvemonth ( QALYs ) or wellness related quality of life ( HRQoL ) for that population. The chief result step will concentrate on costs per quality-adjusted life old ages ( QALYs ) , similar to a survey conducted in Austria ( Haller et al. , 2011 ) . QALYs were estimated utilizing the 15D, a generic standardised instrument to mensurate wellness related quality of life, ( Sintonen, 2001 ) . Cost will be viewed from the position of direct disbursement on wellness attention for dialysis, coupled with the indirect costs of productiveness losingss due to premature decease and short- and long-run disablement. The impact of mortality costs as the amount of the discounted present value of current and future productiveness losingss from premature deceases will be measured from an incident-based human capital attack, pulling from a similar survey conducted in Canada in 2000 ( Zelmer, 2007 ) . Muennig ( 2008 ) posits that because it is frequently hard to account for all cost, and the clip and resource restraints associated with micro-costing, certain premises as relates to costs are frequently made during cost-effectiveness analysis. This survey employs the usage of a authorities position to analyse the cost effectivity of dialysis for terminal phase nephritic patients with diabetes in St. Lucia. This requires that cost analysis be conducted to mensurate the repeating direct and indirect cost of supplying the service. In the part, specifically in the state under survey, wellness attention organisations seldom know the cost of the service provided and seldom employ the tools needed to measure that cost on a regular footing. In a globally runing economic society, economic tendencies have made it imperative for both net income and non-profit organisations that provide services, including authorities bureaus, to measure the cost of clinical services provided. Finance for wellness is non infinite and with significant budget cuts in the wellness service industry, there is increasing force per unit area for wellness attention installations to go more accountable and be more efficient with the financess allocated to well ness attention ( Basch, 1999 ) . Health economic sciences recognises the demand for wellness services to be provided in a mode that is non merely efficient but sustainable. Measuring, understanding and documenting the cost of services makes it easier to better cost-efficiency of these services, while foregrounding the support demands of the sector and by extension the authorities. It besides provides an chance to set up fees for clients that are based on realistic site costs. Previous surveies on cost-effectiveness of intervention options for ESRD have compared different modes of dialysis or organ transplant, [ commendation ] . The analysis of haemodialysis versus pharmaceutical direction to detain ESRD patterned advance flexible joints on the fact that the current capacity of the Renal Unit in St. Lucia can non supply dialysis for all ESRD patients. But it is rather clear that haemodialysis like pharmaceutical direction is non the optimum intervention option for ESRD as the optimum protocol is organ transplant. The wellness system in St. Lucia is mandated by its aims to better the wellness of the population and accordingly needs to guarantee that its limited resources are non devoted to expensive intercessions with little effects on population wellness, while at the same clip low cost intercessions with potentially greater benefits are non to the full implemented. While old research has been conducted to place the economic impact of the estimated health-care costs for ESRD, every bit good as the cost-effectiveness of assorted options for nephritic replacing therapies, similar surveies have non been replicated in the resource strapped Eastern Caribbean. This survey wishes to concentrate on the cost-effectiveness of haemodialysis among type 2 diabetics in St. Lucia over an 8 twelvemonth period ( 2002-2008 ) . Using the usage of CEA, it aims at comparing the cost and effects or results ( cost-effectiveness ) of haemodialysis for diabetic nephropathy utilizing the comparator of making nil, which in this instance is the pharmaceutical direction of patients with diabetic kidney diseases to detain patterned advance of ESRD. This is particularly relevant to the wellness system in St. Lucia, as concerns on the prevalence of diabetes mellitus and its rate of addition, and the determination to spread out the service to two new installations in the absenc e of research requires that a better apprehension of the range and magnitude of the entire economic load of ESRD and the cost effectivity of dialysis intervention for diabetics with ESRD. The findings will assist to inform those doing policy determinations, and may be utile in set uping a set of precedences for farther research, bar plans, and in the planning of alternate interventions to assist relieve that load.MethodologyThis survey uses a retrospective attack to data aggregation. The survey population was selected from the lone public Renal Unit which forms portion of the general infirmary, Victoria infirmary. While there is another Nephritic Unit of measurement in St. Lucia that offers dialysis, it is a portion of the private infirmary which did non wish to take part in this survey. The survey population comprised ESRD patients with diabetic kidney diseases. Patients were considered depending on whether they received haemodialysis or whose diabetes was being pharmaceutically ma naged to detain ESRD patterned advance. Of the 111 patients on dialysis, 45 were due to diabetic kidney disease and 21 were actively having organ transplant at the clip the survey was being conducted. The nephrologists identified 12 ESRD patients who were non having dialysis but were being managed pharmaceutically. All diabetics who are or have been on dialysis with end-stage nephritic disease for the period 2002-2009 and were having dialysis due to diabetic kidney diseases were included in the survey. Persons were excluded from this survey if they were on dialysis prior to being diagnosed with diabetes. The comparator group differs from the haemodialysis group merely in the signifier of intervention that they are having, dwelling of all patients with ESRD due to diabetic kidney diseases who are non having dialysis but whose diabetes is sharply managed with medicine to detain ESRD patterned advance. Chronic conditions such as ESRD require uninterrupted intervention and as a effect a cost-effectiveness of intervention options over a period of clip for a cohort of patients, employs the usage of the Markov theoretical account to look into long term costs and results. The Markov theoretical account developed for this survey describes the procedure of attention observing that patients were assigned or began their patterned advance through the theoretical account in either of two provinces, hospital haemodialysis or pharmaceutical direction of type 2 diabetes to detain ESRD patterned advance, and decease signifies the terminal of the rhythm. A systematic literature reappraisal was conducted of peer-reviewed economic ratings of dialysis intervention modes among diabetic patients. Ebscohost and PubMed were searched utilizing the keywords cost-effectiveness, dialysis, end-stage nephritic disease and diabetic kidney disease and was limited to articles published in the last 12 old ages ( 2000-2011 ) , some articles, if they fell out of the selected old ages of publication were accepted based on the strength of their findings. The inclusion standards identified articles that included the keywords in the capable headers every bit good as the usage of Renal Replacement Therapy/economics, Renal Dialysis/economics, Hemodialysis Units, or Kidney Failure. If they included the term peritoneal dialysis or haemodialysis they were besides included. Exclusion standards of articles were identified as non-English articles and those that did non compare intervention options. More than 500 articles were identified but 31 were selected for ma nual reappraisal. Data on wellness attention costs, passage to other wellness provinces and quality of life were imputed into the Markov theoretical account. Data was obtained from the Renal Unit at the Victoria Hospital, the public wellness installation. Data on quality of life was obtained utilizing the 15D, a multidimensional, standardised generic instrument to mensurate quality or health-related quality of life ( Sintonen, 2001 ) . The 15D was used since it combines the advantages of a profile and individual index mark step that describes the wellness position by measuring 15 dimensions. The mean mark value for each dimension was used to find the wellness related quality of life in the survey population. The usage of the 15D used to mensurate quality of life result was reported in QALYs, a step of the load of disease that included the quality and measure of life lived against a pecuniary value, medical intervention or intercession. The mean mark value for each dimension measured by the 15D was used to find the wellness related quality of life of the survey population utilizing the graduated table provided by Sintonen ( 2001 ) . The findings were standardized against the load of disease markers identified by the WHO ( Ref ) . Other variables were considered in the survey and a standard questionnaire was administered to the survey population to obtain informations on the socio-economic position of individuals within the survey population. The socio-demographic questionnaire was tested against a pool of eight individuals from those who are on dialysis for grounds other than diabetic nephropathy and who were as similar to the survey population in footings of gender, instruction, socio-economic position and geographic location. Contented analysis was used to measure the information obtained from the socio-demographic questionnaire. All survey participants were provided with a missive refering namelessness and confidentiality and informed consent was obtained prior to engagement. Ethical blessing was obtained from the IRB at St. George ‘s University and the moralss commission of the Ministry of Health in St. Lucia.CostssCost-effectiveness was examined from a governmental position utilizing the clinical records of the Division of Nephrology patient enrollment and charge systems at the Victoria Hospital coupled with information from published surveies on endurance and quality of life among diabetic nephropathy patients. The theoretical account used included the direct wellness service costs associated with the intervention options, and an one-year cost per patient was calculated for each wellness province in the theoretical account. Direct health care costs associated with dialysis usage included bing regular dialysis Sessionss, complications of the dialysis, such as curdling of the fistulous withers or hypo tension episodes, research lab trials and services required as a effect of dialysis and medicine usage as a consequence of intervention. Premises were made on the regularity of direct health care cost associated with dialysis, such as regularity of research lab testing and blood transfusions. Micro-costing, roll uping informations on staffing, consumables, capital, and operating expenses were used to find the cost of one session of haemodialysis ( Table 1 ) . Structured interviews were used to obtain inside informations sing staff clip allocated to dialysis activities, every bit good as the regularity of other services used as a consequence of the intervention options. The survey identified capital points as the edifice infinite allotted to the Unit for intervention, and equipment such as the dialysis machines and air conditioner unit. Costss have been reported in Eastern Caribbean Dollars ( EC ) presented at the 2008 degree and an tantamount one-year cost calculated utilizing a 3 p er centum price reduction rate over the predicted life span. Muennig ( 2008 ) argues that a governmental position can include some facets of transportantion costs. Evidence from the Minstry of Communication and Works and the conveyance board imply that there is no nationally agreed policy for conveyance costs. There are fluctuations across St. Lucia in footings of milage, hence for the intents of our analysis, conveyance costs are excluded. The survey reviewed costs over an 8 twelvemonth period ( 2002-2009 ) . This clip frame was partially determined by the handiness of the informations two old ages after the programme was initiated and the premises made with mention to the analysis were tabulated ( Table 2 ) . Incremental costs per QALY gained were calculated by utilizing the estimations of costs and QALYs for each of the two modes obtained from the theoretical account, and the findings were presented as incremental costs per QALY. A one-way sensitiveness analysis was used to look into variableness in the information, changing the price reduction rate from 3 % to 5 % the age weights and disablement weights. A concluding sensitiveness analysis of mortality rates was besides conducted since the premise was that the mortality rates for haemodialysis were the same as those of pharmaceutical direction of ESRD diabetics.Consequences[ Presentation of Results†¦ ]Discussion[ Discussion of Results and deductions†¦ ] Locke ( 1987 ) is a advocate of the position that all surveies have built-in restrictions and boundary line. Primary and secondary information was used in this survey. Jankowich ( 2005 ) warns of the restrictions of the usage of secondary informations, as the methodological analysis used in garnering secondary informations has come into inquiry. The survey was limited by the truth and quality of the informations, which Basch ( 1999 ) argues is a repeating job in developing states. The questionnaire as a tool for garnering information airss some disadvantages, as it does non supply an chance for inquiries to be clarified or to verify that replies are understood or that all inquiries are answered. In add-on it means that the individuals being surveyed must hold the pre-requisite literacy accomplishments. This restriction was minimized by pre-testing the socio-demographic questionnaire was tested against a pool of eight individuals from those who were on dialysis for grounds other than diabetic nephropathy and who were as similar to the survey population in footings of gender, instruction, socio-economic position and geographic location, ( Table 2 ) . Another restriction to the survey was the inability to prove the 15D questionnaire as it could non be altered to be more specific. Low response rate every bit good as non-response prejudice for the questionnaire may significantly skew the information as the survey population is so little. Jankowicz ( 2005 ) argues that coaction is maximized when respondents are in some sense rewarded for cooperation and that these wagess outweigh the cost in footings of money and attempt. To accomplish this, respondents were shown that their information was valued and the construction of the questionnaire would necessitate really small in footings of clip and attempt. The absence of other surveies that compared the intervention modes used in this survey serves as a restriction of this paper, but it remains the lone feasible comparator that was available to the research worker. There are restrictions and troubles in any effort to cipher the average cost of a dialysis session, particularly in public installations where cost is subsidized ( commendation? ) , as every aspect of attention and cost associated with the session must be taken into consideration. Consequently premises were made on cost for direct and indirect services related to intervention options compared in this survey, ( Muennig, 2008 ) . Premises are justified as this is a non-funded research with clip restraints and a demand to cut down cost drivers. The survey was besides limited in its position as it could non show on national costs from a social position such as the patient ‘s ability to work or the chance costs. The strength of the survey lies in the usage of triangulation to garner and analyze informations to determine their common decision, effectivity based on costs and QALYs. Decrop ( 1999 ) concurs that one of the chief ways to avoid the combative issue of cogency and dependability is the usage of triangulation. He defines triangulation as â€Å" looking at the same phenomenon, or research inquiry from more than one information beginning † ( p158 ) . Information coming from different angles can be utilised to confirm, lucubrate or clear up the research inquiry. Denzin ( 1978 ) besides claims that triangulation bounds personal and methodological prejudice every bit good as enhances the survey ‘s generalizability. The usage of the Markov theoretical account is an built-in strength of the survey. Gonzalez-Perez, Vale, Stearns, and Wordsworth ( 2005 ) argue that the theoretical account ‘s ability to predict comparative effectivity and cost overtime makes it appropriate for patterning chronic intervention options such as RRT. The usage of cost-effectiveness to find QALYs is advantage and the usage of a standardised instrument to mensurate QALY besides strengthens the survey. The 15D is recognised as by and large being a little measuring load to both respondents and research workers. As an rating tool it is extremely dependable due to its repeatability of measurings with minimized random mistake. The consequences generated are valid because of the grade of assurance that research workers can put on the illations that are drawn from the tonss. Sintonen ( 2001 ) posits that as an instrument to mensurate cost-effectiveness, it is peculiarly suited for ciphering quality-adjusted life old ages ( QALY ) . Choice prejudice is limited in this survey due to recruiting of the full mark population. This is the first survey of its sort in the part and it does non hold any concern associations, an built-in strength to this survey. It is able to function as a precursor to farther research and therefore is poised to assist steer policies on how cost-effectiveness surveies are done in the part and their application to decision-making in health care. The enlargement of haemodialysis to run into the turning ESRD population, and an increased incidence of diabetic kidney disease in St. Lucia has deductions for the findings of this survey. It is of import that focal point is directed at primary, secondary and third intercessions aimed at cut downing cost of diabetic attention and accordingly complications from diabetes, such as diabetic kidney disease. Primary intercessions are the most cost-efficient. Health publicities to cut down hazard of developing diabetes, which is a hazard factor for ESRD, needs to go portion of the authorization of the Ministry of wellness. A policy on Chronic Diseases developed within the primary health care program that presently exist, would assist steer that focal point. Mann et Al. ( 2010 ) argue cautiousness against population based testing for CKD, and recommend that testing, as a secondary intercession, should concentrate on at hazard populations. Their survey concluded that ‘targeted showing of people with diabetes is associated with an acceptable cost per QALY in publically funded health care systems ‘ . Such an attack can be adopted in the wellness system in St. Lucia. While the bulk of cost-effectiveness analysis of intervention modes for diabetic nephropathy focal points on the disease at its latent or progressed phase, Glassock ( 2010 ) noted that a survey by Gearde et Al. ( 2008 ) identified that early sensing of diabetic kidney disease and intensive pharmaceutical intercessions are non merely cost effectual but significantly reduces the hazard of ESRD among type 2 diabetics. These findings are replicated in a survey by Keane and Lyle ( 2003 ) and Szucs et Al. ( 2004 ) who found that Losartan reduced the incidence of ESRD among diabetics. They went on to reason that albuminuria which is the ‘single most powerful forecaster ‘ of in type 2 diabetes is a simple and cheap showing trial, and early sensing can take to the early disposal of drugs that have been proven to cut down ESRD incidence. Cost-effectiveness analysis is able to supply valuable penetration to prioritising within health care and so the findings of this survey is able to supply grounds to back up efficiency in the usage of limited resources. Policy-makers should utilize these findings to reexamine the determination to spread out the figure of haemodialysis centres in St. Lucia. Further research to place more cost-efficient intervention options would be the first measure to bettering efficiency of resource allotment. The domination of haemodialysis as a intervention mode for ESRD, despite the overplus of surveies that have identified it as the least cost-efficient of RRTs, ( Haller et al. , 2011 ; Just et al. , 2008, Kontodimopoulos & A ; Niakas, 2008 ) , provides the wellness sector, with the grounds needed to revise intervention protocols and an chance to improved cost-effectiveness of ESRD intervention. This can be achieved by significantly cut downing the usage of haemodialysis and introducing as an option, peritoneal dialysis which have been cited as being the most effectual of dialysis options. Just et al. cautiousness that the economic sciences of dialysis in the underdeveloped universe, where labor may be cheaper than the importing of equipment and solutions, may take to the perceptual experience that peritoneal dialysis is more expensive than haemodialysis. They go on to observe that this is non conclusive as there is a famine in economic ratings in developing states to confirm that posi tion. A good developed CKD Care Program is able to significantly cut down the chance of developing ESRD among at hazard populations, every bit good as significantly lower health care costs among ESRD patients, ( Wei et al. , 2010 ) . There is a demand to spread out the services offered by the Renal Unit every bit good as its coverage to assist accomplish that terminal.Decision[ Conclusion based on findings ]