Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Real World of Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Real World of Management - Essay Example Following will involve listening to subordinates. A manager should be listening and should incorporate the activities of other people in the normal running of his duties. The research will also deal on entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurship. Those are the qualities of a manager that will enable him or her to increase innovation and profitability in the company. A manager should also be able to have problem solving skills, research skills and decision-making skills. Every organization will be faced by a number of conflicts; the manager should be able to solve the problems in a fair manner. A manager should also be able to carry out research on ways that will improve the working of a company. Management will also involve ethical management and corporate social responsibility. Ethical management implies the way an organization relates to competitors and other stakeholders of the company. Corporate social responsibility implies to the way a company gives back to the society. The society should be rewarded for being part of the company. According to peter drucker, management involves doing things that are correct while leadership is doing the correct things. A good leader should have vision and should eye things that are beneficial to a company. Traditionally, it was believed that leaders are born and not trained. In the modern view, hard work, patience, and persistence will lead to an effective leader. That means that a good leader should be able to undergo training that will enable him sharpen his skills. That means that a good leader will be able to evolve with time and be able to understand employees with time (Brooks 276)1. A good leader should be listening and understanding. He /she should lead by example. That implies that a lead should be the first person to adhere to the rules of the company and to conform to the vision and goals of the company. That will be leading by example and that will be

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