Wednesday, November 27, 2019

University of Phoenix Material Essays (404 words) - Education

University of Phoenix Material Essays (404 words) - Education University of Phoenix Material Stages of Critical Thinking Part 1: Stages of Critical Thinking Complete the matrix by identifying the four beginning stages of critical thinking as detailed in Critical Thinking. |Stages of critical |Stage description | |thinking | | |The Unreflective |These are the thinkers that are basically | |Thinker |unaware of the role of thinking in their | | |lives and of potential problems with their | | |own reasoning. Mostly these thinkers may be | | |educated, they tend to be unable to resolve | | |problems in thinking or find new strategies | | |to solve problems. | |The Challenged Thinker|A challenged thinker has become aware of the | | |role thinking plays in their lives. They have| | |an understanding of the basic elements of | | |reasoning. They may think they have critical| | |thinking skills, but they may not recognize | | |that they apply these critical thinking | | |skills in their lives, and making it tough | | |for them to improve their thinking abilities.| |The Beginning Thinker |The beginner thinker realizes that they | | |sometimes experience tough times in their | | |reasoning or problem solving; and they take | | |great measures to monitor and improve their | | |thinking. | |The Practicing Thinker|Theses thinkers understand that the human | | |mind tends to be self-deceit, and they | | |attempt to assess and critique their own | | |conclusions, beliefs, and opinions. | Part 2: Your Thinking Write a 75- to 150-word explanation of your current level of critical- thinking development, and explain why you placed yourself at that stage. I believe I am a practicing critical thinker, because I don't always think critically and do have to often remind myself of the habits that I need to change when it comes to thinking. I am enthusiastically working hard to change my negative thinking habits into positive thinking habits. I tend to procrastinate often and get work done at the last possible minute with everything that I do. I recognize that I do have worthy habits and I do my best to apply them when solving issues. I am a person, who is afraid change, and I do realize the need for change in my life and in the way I problem solve. It is a battle to analyze all of the information and options available to me before solving issues and I sometimes try to take the easiest route. I understand I have personal issues to work on as far as my own beliefs and reasoning, but I do try my best to better my thinking.

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