Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Unhealthy Eating Habits in America - 1002 Words

It’s easy to assume that poor countries usually have the most unhealthy diets. Well, that’s a misdirected assumption. High blood pressure, high blood glucose, overweight and obesity, and high cholesterol are one of the 4 of the top ten risk factors that cause death. High blood pressure is the number one cause of death around the world and heart disease is the number one cause of death globally. All of them are caused by unhealthy eating. People tend to eat less fruits and vegetables which increase the risk of diseases and health problems, causing 1.7 million deaths a year.(Global Dietary Changes Threaten Health) America, one of the richer countries, has the worst eating diets. Nearly 2 out of 5 people in America are suffering from†¦show more content†¦Data also shows that 1 out of 4 Americans eat some kind of fast food each day and that the consumption of packaged food is 31 percent more than fresh food. (11 Facts About American Eating Habits.) After seeing the horrible effects of unhealthy foods, we have to do something to change our diet. Well the first thing you have to do is be committed to change your diet. You have to set yourself a goal, not a huge unreachable goal, but a small simple goal that would help you improve your unhealthy diet. You have to try to change your habit. An important thing to remember is to never feel bad about yourself and never go on an extreme diet and end up skinny or hungry for food. You should improve step by step and although you should lessen the junk food consumption, you should not restrict yourself from junk food because that would be torturing yourself and the point of improving your diet is to feel good about it and enjoy it. Another important part is to always be hydrated and drink water. You need energy and since you’re cutting on food, you should always drink. Also make time for exercise to keep your body healthy and to burn your fat. The next thing you should consider is t o have a balance life. You have to maintain a balance plate with enough fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains. You should atleast have in your diet fruits of all color, a variety of actual vegetables and not french fries or potatoes, proteins like; fish, poultry, beans, and nuts (limitShow MoreRelatedToo Much Of A Good Thing By Greg Critser1340 Words   |  6 Pagesthe growing unhealthy products around them; instead of questioning why people are gaining weight so rapidly, they enjoy the unhealthy and unsuitable substances that they are putting in their body. Some eat whatever they can find, and since they are in a certain predicaments, they have no choice but, end up doing the same thing to their children. Many have not seen it yet, but parents are feeding their children unhealthy substances. 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