Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Knights Tale free essay sample

The film achieves this by examining the themes of Destiny, Friendship, Classes and Film techniques. Film also plays a significant role in the movie as they allow the audience to determine hierarchy. One of the most important themes is destiny. The main theme in ‘A Knight’s Tale’ would be destiny. Destiny is what pushes William to believe. When William was a young boy, his father, John Thatcher, sent him away to do another Knight’s bidding, Sir Ector. Through luck, William stumbled upon Sir Ector’s body deceased under a tree and William then gathered his armour and began the journey to fulfil his destiny, also changing his name to Sir Ulrich Von Lichtenstein. â€Å"What’s your name William? I’m asking you William Thatcher, to answer me with your name. It’s not Sir William. It’s not count, or duke or earl William. It’s certainly not King William. We will write a custom essay sample on A Knights Tale or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page † John Thatcher sent William away and said, â€Å"This is the best thing I can give to you. Change the stars and live a better life than I have. † William proves that even though he was born into a low social status, he is able to change his stars. William could not fulfil his destiny without friendship. William was not the only one serving Sir Ector. Wat and Roland were also helping, Wat, Roland and William had a very strong friendship. Friendship is what helped William on his destiny to become a Knight. Without his friends, he would not accomplish his goal. â€Å"Your men love you, if I knew nothing else about you that would be enough. † Prince Edward said this because of friendship. His friends were peasants and from the same class. Friendship helps William to fulfil his destiny and to change his stars. During the medieval era, people had classes. There would be peasants, knights, nobles, kings and queens. In the medieval times, everyone wanted power. William needed power to change his stars. Each class had a certain amount of power. Kings and Queens would have a lot of power over the other class. Nobles such as Jocelyn were on seats, they would have an average amount of power but would not have as much power as kings and queens. Knights are used for entertainment. William and Count Adhemar were applying for Jousting and the nobles enjoy their company. They compete in tournaments such as Jousting and Melee. Peasants would only have little power and would have the least amount of power. Peasants would have to stand up during the tournaments. Women were always doing something that men would not appreciate their work such as Kate who is a blacksmith. William changed his stars by changing his class from peasant to knight. Film techniques was a very important role in ‘A Knight’s Tale’. During the movie, film techniques showed hierarchy. People with high power were looked up upon and people with low power would be looked down upon. During the start of the movie, William was always looked down upon however gradually through the movie. William would sometimes be looked up upon speaking to his servants. William was looked up upon when he became a knight, when he was at the stocks. â€Å"I now knight you Sir William† Prince Edward ‘A Knight’s Tale’ shows the viewer that love has no bounds, you can always change the stars no matter the circumstances. ’ William changed his stars, â€Å"With hard work one can do better himself despite his class

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