Thursday, August 29, 2019

Small shop closures are progress Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Small shop closures are progress - Essay Example The elevating scale and market share accounts for the rising power. This is a vivid indication that hard sell will be a marketing strategy for the monopoly. However, the British regime has recommendable strategies and mechanisms to face this trend. Diverse concepts and theories are evident in the strategies and ideologies by Terry. These theories explain the development and ultimate implications of the Terry ideologies within the firm. Terry Leahy’s ideologies and perspectives were reflected in the report from the BBC. He was the C.E.O of Tesco, a position he is proud of. Since teenage, he served at this retailing outlet and developed gradually towards the top position (BBC, p1. 2013). His zeal, competence, and commitment elevated him towards the top position of the organization. Tesco is a top retailer within the British territory. Reporting to the BBC, Terry did not have a positive perspective towards the small shops in Britain. He viewed their closure as a key source of gro wth and progress to the large retailers. According to him, a majority of the society prefer to shop in the large retailers (BBC, p1. 2013). They would prefer supermarkets to the small shops. He defined some streets as backward due to the existence of the small investments. However, his deputy Michael Weedon had a different perspective. He viewed the small shops as advantageous rather than disadvantageous. According to Weedon, closure of large chains would enhance cheap availability of retail premises. The ideologies of this case have great affiliation to several concepts and theories. Business ethics and conflict theory are key attributes that affiliate to this case. Ethics involve a moral code of conduct in business. In this case, businesses ought to observe its impact to the internal and external environment (Peterson, p3. 2005). The Chief executive Officer can represent the interests and stands of the organization to the immediate society. Therefore, the organization ought to obs erve and maintain a positive impact to its environs. Humanity ought to be a key observation in the business policies and ideologies (Henn, p167. 2009). This has a direct appeal to the immediate society. It could therefore be a strategy to win more popularity and clientele from the immediate society. Terry Leahy represented the stand of the Tesco fraternity during his report in the BBC. His report had an implication of negativity within the small shops. It was a direct advocacy of small shops closure within Britain. This declaration has an affiliation with the concept of business ethics. Ethics require and advocate for equal rights in business (Crane, p28. 2007). In this case, business should not purely focus on profitability. It has an obligation to defend the rights of other individuals and external investments. Ethics also enhance an adjusted protection of its image. External parties should view the organization as a center of humanity and integrity. In his presentation, Terry Lea hy impaired the image of the organization significantly. His perspective did not consider the minority group of the Britain society. The entire Britain society engrossed 95% of the populace preferring the supermarkets (BBC, p1. 2013). This was the larger group in Terry’s presentation. According to him, this figure preferred to shop in top retailers. Terry still outlined a 5% of the population that highly preferred to shop

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